"So the Gods did, so people do”
(That's what the gods did, that's what people do)
We hold a strong belief in our own forces, but our life is full of fears and unfulfilled needs. This restless tension and clashing with critical situations ultimately lead us to esoteric thinking.
Modern people believe in the power of science, but not sacrifices as it was before. But at the same time there are some strange situations that happen to all of us that science cannot explain. At critical moments, either the idea of superstition as a cause comes to us, or we turn to a magico-religious belief for a solution. And it never loses its psychic relevance; it can change its appearance, but the function remains the same. We just need to tear off its new age masks.
Even if one trusts a personal therapist or psychology as a science, rather than a magical power, our whole life is still a series of rituals that we create to survive and they give us energy. The moment when we are performing the ritual, we gain a superpower that helps us to defeat fate. It gives us a push to move forward, that neither technology nor pills can provide.
The title of the series "That's what the gods did, that's what people do" is an Indian proverb (Taittiriya Brahmanа, I, 5, 9, 4). It sums up the whole theory behind the rituals of all peoples (both primitive and developed cultures). Rituals and meaningful mundane actions that embody meaning exist because they deliberately repeat actions done first by gods, heroes or ancestors.
Valeria redefines the theme of rituals. Using body language, the author puts human beings at the centre of the subject, without whom, in fact, rituals have no sacred meaning. And the natural landscapes emphasise the inherent connection with nature.